
Succession by Axis

SilverMotion has been superseded by the Axis engine.

Axis is a free and open source 3D engine for web pages, based on HTM5 and Javascript with intuitive interface and powerful features
It comes with an SDK and editor and is supported by our affiliates, Palitri

Palitri also offers various customer-tailored services and support for Axis

January, 11th, 2011

SilverMotion Free edition now becomes fully functional, providing full and unrestricted set of features for non-commercial purposes.

What's new:
-No logo watermark
-Loading resources remotelynfrom internet
-Added a WebResources demo in the package's sample projects
-Assembly size reduced

August 17th, 2010

SilverMotion 1.1 has been released.

New general features:
-Support for dummy objects
-Introducing Picking with PickingGroups

New types:

New functionalities:
-TransformationResource methods:
    -RotateLocalAxis, RotateGlobalAxis, TranslateLocal, TranslateGlobal, ScaleLocal, ScaleGlobal
    -TransformPoint, TransformVector

-Vector3 methods:
    Subtract, Normalize, Invert, FromSpherical, GetSpherical
-Vector3.Length property

-RenderBranch methods:
    Clone, ResetTransformations
-RenderBranch properties:
    Tag, IsDummy, PickingGroup

-RenderEnvironment.RayIntersection method and overrides

-Fixed occasional polygon clipping at screen corners
-Fixed occasional behind-camera polygons projection

New sample projects:
-WebResources loading (in commercial package only)

July 27th, 2010

SilverMotion 1.0.1 has been released.

New features:
- Functionality for accessing vertex and polygon data of a MeshResource
- Added X and Y properties in the MeshDraggedEventArgs class for the MeshDragged event

- Mesh picking
- MacOS licensing issue

Additionally, there are three more sample demos in the product package:
- Terrain generator
- Skybox demo
- Loading user picture demo

You can now follow SilverMotion on Facebook and Twitter.

July 19th, 2010

SilverMotion - a real-time 3D rendering environment for the web is released to the public. SilverMotion™ is a real-time 3D rendering environment for the web. Based on the cutting edge Microsoft Silverlight 4 technology, SilverMotion is reliable and requires only a web browser and Microsoft Silverlight in order to run. SilverMotion provides reasonably fast real-time rendering with modern effects like bump mapping, refraction and reflection mapping, cell-shading, multi-texturing, dynamic lighting, keyframe animation, fully dynamical cameras and more.